Thursday, December 9

Challenging goals

Challenging goals are goals that go beyond our current abilities and to achieve these goals require more creativity and effort than activities that we do at present. Challenging goal has two great advantages for individual and organizations. The first advantage is creating your motivation and the second advantage is actualizing your potential.


Different studies show that two types of goals don’t create enthusiasm and motivation in us. First category is simple goals that access to them is easy. These goals create reluctance and crazy.
The second category is difficult goals that access to them is very difficult and , this group goals is cause of hopelessness.  Both categories have a common feature that is not associated with hopeful state. Because hope and are inseparable. The easy goal hasn’t fear and the difficult goal hasn’t hope. Rumi believe both fear and hope, although they are opposites in appearance, but both have a duty that is creating motivation. He said “fear and hope like board in sea will be used by sailor for reaching lover.”

Actualizing potential

The most important human need is Actualizing potential, choosing targets that go beyond our current ability and efforts to reach them are cause of our personal development.
A society, according to the British historian, Arnold Toynbee, develops into a civilization when it is confronted with a challenge which it successfully meets in such a way as to lead it on to further challenges. the truth is that not only civilizations but also Personal Success have been created by challenges.

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