Sunday, December 12

Fear and Love

The ascetic and loving bondwoman is a key and multi level story in masnavi that Rumi compare the fear and love.
An ascetic had a watchful wife and beautiful bondwoman.
 Bondwoman loved ascetic, but ascetic’s wife watched out they did not have lovely opportunity.
One day wife and bondwoman went to (public) bath, woman had forgotten the tub.
She told bondwoman, go home and bring the tube quickly.
Bondwoman became happy, because she knows that ascetic is home now.
Suddenly, woman remembered that ascetic is home now, so she run immediately to the house for preventing from getting two lovers together.

Rumi says, since, bondwoman runs with love and ascetic’s wife with fear, so, she’ll never reach to bondwoman!

That run from love, this from fear
There is great difference between love and fear.

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