Saturday, May 1


It is pain that guides us in every enterprise.
Until there is an ache within, a passion and a
yearning for that thing arising within us, we will
never strive to attain it. Without pain it remains
beyond our reach, whether it is success in this
world or salvation in the next, whether we aim at
becoming a merchant or a king, a scientist or an
astronomer. It was not until the pains of birth
manifested in Mary that she made for the tree.
Those pangs drove her to the tree, and the tree
that was withered became fruitful.
the flesh likes Mary.
Every one of us has a Jesus within, but until the
pangs manifest, our Jesus is not born. If the pangs
never come, then our child rejoins its origin by the
same secret path through which it came, leaving
us empty, without the birth of our true self.

Fihe ma fih

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